Author Archives:

Bérangère Leyritz


dispositif d’accompagnement renforcé à domicile - Personnes âgées heureuses


As the majority of French people age, they want to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. It would be ideal to be able to benefit at home from services equivalent to those offered in a nursing home. AÉSIOSanté and other FNMF (Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française) mutualist players are developing a reinforced home support system. At AESIO SANTÉ, this device is called DAPHNÉ. Its objective is to offer an alternative to the EHPAD by bringing security, comfort, well-being, care, accompaniment… to the homes of people wishing to remain at home. What exactly is it about? What is at stake? What role does technology play?



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Helping people with Alzheimer’s to stay at home

Maintenir à domicile les personnes souffrant d'alzheimerrEnabling people with Alzheimer’s disease to continue living in their own homes is a real challenge, particularly in the face of the issues that accompany this disease.

60% of people with Alzheimer’s live at home: for relatives, this is a major source of anxiety, hence the need for reassurance.
In the early stages of the disease, relatives are very involved, and their support helps to slow down the disease’s progression and optimises care.



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