The project demonstrated the reliability of the ‘end-to-end’ platform

“This project is […] one of the most successful technology projects followed through in recent years. The solution was very well accepted by the patients who felt safe. The project demonstrated the reliability of the ‘end-to-end’ platform, from the processing of sensor data in the home to the remote assistance service .

The success of this clinical study means that a larger cohort can now be planned in the coming months.”

The three phases of life: robustness, fragility, dependence

“There are three phases of life: robustness, i.e. people like you and me, who are completely independent either cognitively or physically; frailty, during which we start to have slight problems in carrying out actions and thinking about certain subjects; and then we reach dependency”, explains Dr Homehr, President of the South Toulouse CPTS and expert in digital health.

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How to reconcile old age and independence

In 2060, loss of independence will affect 2.45 million people in France, compared to 1.6 million in 2030.

“The ageing of our population raises a […] challenge, […] namely that of old age, of dependence, a subject that makes us uncomfortable. Dependency is here to stay, and this new vulnerable age of life is taking hold”, said French President Emmanuel Macron in a speech to the Congress of the Mutualité Française in 2018.

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In terms of client feedback, I have 95% positive about Otono-me.

“In terms of client feedback, I have 95% positive about Otono-me. It’s a really good product: I can’t tell you anything negative, because I don’t have anything negative. No problems! This is a plus for our beneficiaries, and also for us compared to the competition. For one gentleman I met, it was a joy because the application showed him when his mother went out. As she was becoming more senile, he could ensure that she returned home safely and didn’t get into trouble.

Personally, at the time I wanted to keep my grandmother at home, I knew her needs, and I would really have wanted her to have this device.”

Delighted with the possibilities of virtual activities offered

“The people we received were able to benefit from the device. This approach, which is interesting because of its novelty and attractiveness, allows work on dual tasks and attention, which are essential functions for continuing with daily life activities.

We couldn’t help noticing the support and motivation of the residents who had the opportunity to test this device […] the desire to continue the experiment long-term, delighted with the possibilities of virtual activities offered, which they certainly didn’t imagine as practical…”

This project is part of our association’s core actions

“Much more reassuring than conventional emergency call devices, this new generation remote assistance provides day and night protection for elderly people and peace of mind for their families. 

This project is part of our association’s core actions: to provide the necessary support for elderly people in our region to develop with them a project to improve their everyday lives, and to commit to working with respect for their and their families’ lifestyles.”

I soon realised that she wasn’t getting up to drink

Mum didn’t eat or drink any more. When it was very hot, as I could see that she wasn’t on the move, I soon realised that she wasn’t getting up to drink. So, I went round there. It’s lots of little things like that. She always had the same routine, for example. 


This tool allowed me to see some days that she was not up at 11am!”

Automatic temperature reading: a tool for EHPADs

When the national heatwave plan is activated, action must be taken to prevent and limit the effects of the heatwave on people’s health.

In residential establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD), in establishments accommodating elderly people (EHPA) (retirement home, residential home), and in long-term care units, the monitoring and alert plan is based on the implementation of a “blue plan”.

Residents accompanied by EHPAD staff must then adopt the good habits regularly broadcast by the Regional Health Agencies: drink about 1.5L of water per day, spend time in a cool place, eat a sufficient amount.

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Feedback: connected solutions for Ageing Well

“I’ve had 95% positive feedback for Otono-me. It’s a really good product: I can’t tell you what the downside is because I haven’t found it! I’ haven’ had any problems at all. Eric Mohamed – Technical Sales Representative at Echo Médical

Aidant seniors

In this interview, find out how Telegrafik’s connected solutions support elderly people on a day-to-day basis and ensure that they keep their independence by detecting risk situations.

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Feedback: Sunday Play App tested and approved by the Clerc de Molières nursing home.

New technologies in the “Ageing Well” sector are spreading and the market is continuing to grow. As professionals, it is essential for you to adapt or diversify your services in order to effectively meet the growing demand from your customers. That’s why at Telegrafik, we work with you on an ongoing basis to meet your expectations and ensure the quality and reliability of our services.


To take a closer look at this issue, we had the pleasure of talking to Arnaud Grimault, Director of Iris Assistance, a partner of Telegrafik specialising in personal protection. Read more

Press release : Silver Economy: Study “Ageing well in Retirement Homes and at Home – Which innovative technologies for what added value ?”

Maintien à domicile

This study highlights the added value provided by technological solutions for both professionals and families, and underlines their complementarity with the human support already available to elderly people. 83% of elderly people report feeling more reassured. The loved ones gain peace of mind on a daily basis.

The study covered 3 years of practical study and a representative sample of beneficiaries spread throughout France. It provides concrete and enlightening feedback for those involved in the process of ageing well.

The objective is to provide elements of answers to the major societal challenge of ageing: How can we better support elderly people throughout their ageing process and support professionals in the sector in their work, using innovative technologies ?, explains Carole Zisa-Garat, President of Telegrafik.

This document summarises the issues specific to the ageing of elderly people, reviews the current technological solutions also discusses the adoption of these schemes by the beneficiaries and their families.

 Testimonials from customers and partners

The satisfaction surveys carried out among the equipped beneficiaries and the figures collected in the framework of this study made it possible to identify the various advantages of the solutions connected to help elderly people: to react quickly in the event of a fall, to postpone moving into a nursing home, to prevent the deterioration of the beneficiary’s state of health and, most importantly, to save lives.

Partners of the company participated in this survey to testify about their experience with Telegrafik and explain the contribution of connected solutions to their business. Mentalities are changing, the young old people of today will be the old people of tomorrow, and they are people used to all the new technologies and therefore more demanding of this type of solution., explains Sandrine Taffary, nurse coordinator at the Saint-Louis nursing home.

How can physical activity preserve pensioner’s independence ?

Regular physical activity does not guarantee that all the changes in your health due to ageing will disappear. On the other hand, it is essential to maintaining good health throughout life.  Doing sport regularly helps to limit and slow down the loss of physical capacities, even to the point of postponing the risk of a person becoming dependent in later life by 10 to 12 years.  Even if you start doing it later in life, it still ensures that you have a greater chance of growing old in good health and thus preserving your independence for as long as possible.

Une activité physique pour repousser la dépendance


Older people sometimes prefer to avoid sporting activities for fear of causing incidents that could aggravate their state of health, such as the risk of falling, or aggravate their state of fatigue. But as surprising as it may seem, it’s good to know that sport and age go hand in hand. However, it is strongly advised to choose a sporting activity that suits your physical condition and to practice it regularly.


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Feedback: Sunday Play App tested and approved by the Clerc de Molières nursing home.

Since the beginning of the health crisis, Telegrafik has been supporting healthcare institutions and making its solutions available to them, some of them free of charge. As a result, the Clerc de Molières nursing home in Tarascon has benefited from Sunday Play, an application that allows residents to stay connected with their families by receiving news via photos and videos.


After three weeks of use, the application was very popular with residents, but also with professionals, “…Today our residents and their families can’t do without it”, explains Clémence Battista, from the EHPAD’s activities department.

Sunday Play saves facility staff time, with a single tool for managing messages received from families, and allows them to be a daily comfort for the residents.

In this interview, discover the feedback on Sunday Play within the Clerc de Molières nursing home, delivered by Clémence Battista, an activities leader at the establishment.

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Daily life in care homes during the Covid-19 crisis

It has now been a few days since lockdown began to be eased but vigilance and caution remain the watchwords in establishments for the elderly. Measures taken at the very beginning of the crisis are now becoming increasingly flexible in order to take greater account of the welfare and social needs of residents.

A course of action adopted quickly


Even before receiving the official protocol from the Ministry of Solidarity and Health concerning the rules of conduct and safety to be adopted, the management of some retirement homes or nursing homes had already begun to implement effective protection measures. Since then, a new policy has been put in place in order to limit the risks as much as possible: controlling visits, compulsory wearing of masks, questionnaire to be filled in by families, checking symptoms in visitors such as taking their temperature, as well as distributing very precise instructions to staff.

Other establishments have taken additional measures : controlling entrances/exits, installing an infrared thermometer, reducing visiting hours and limiting them to one visitor at a time per resident. Care homes have taken the lead on a massive scale, acting quickly and applying relatively strict guidelines to limit possible contamination.

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Press Release : KINE-SIM – a solution for the rehabilitation of patients recovering from Covid-19

Telegrafik, the exclusive distributor of the KINE-SIM in France, offers a solution to Healthcare establishments (nursing homes, Follow-up Care and Rehabilitation Establishments, etc.) to support the rehabilitation of Covid-19 patients, following their admission to an intensive care unit.

At a time when physiotherapists are and will be particularly sought after to look after the rehabilitation of these patients, the KINE-SIM proves to be a real relay to the work of the medical teams.

The KINE-SIM : a relay for physiotherapists in the rehabilitation of Covid-19 patients

When physiotherapy departments are overloaded in the coming weeks, our KINE- SIM solution can take over their work in the coming weeks.” , explains Carole Zisa-Garat, founder of Telegrafik. “This device, which uses simulation and virtual reality technology to help people age well, is a real asset in the current economic crisis.” , she adds.

Telegrafik distributeur francais Kinesiq Kine-SIMThe device, which is installed in health care facilities within Aftercare and Rehabilitation Departments (SSR) and retirement homes, provides motivating sports activities and thus supports the work of caregivers.

An all-in-one exercise device for rehabilitation and maintenance of functional independence, the KINE-SIM supports the work of physiotherapy departments and improves the quality of life and physical condition of vulnerable people, while differentiating itself in particular through a playful and therefore motivating approach.

It is also the only device combining two motorised force plates that can move the user in synchronisation with a multitude of multimedia scenarios, working on balance, motorskills, orthopaedics and cognitive abilities all at the same time.


The current health crisis has had a major impact on the daily lives of our elderly people. Retirement homes and nursing homes bring together people who are at high risk of infection. As a result, family visits were quickly banned or highly restricted. Many residents have been struck by loneliness, not always understanding the reasons for this abrupt isolation, or why they can no longer see their loved ones.

In this context, Telegrafik has decided to bring joy and good humour to care homes by making the Sunday solution available to them free of charge. The application allows residents to stay connected with their families by receiving news via photos and videos.


How does it work?

Telegrafik supports the establishments in the set-up of the solution, and then its use.

First of all, you need to download the application on your tablet or smartphone. Then simply create an account for each resident and invite their relatives to join the group. The relatives can then send messages, photos and videos to their elderly loved one to keep them up to date with what is happening in their lives, share their adventures.  Thanks to new technologies, distance is no longer an obstacle to communication!

By activating the “PLAY” mode, it is possible for the resident to view all shared moments at once, from his room or apartment, in order to enjoy each moment as often as they wish.


Practical solutions to maintain resident morale

This tool saves time for the establishment’s staff, with a single device for managing messages received from families, and provides daily comfort for residents.

The application makes it possible to set up a new part of their daily routine that will be full of emotions!

It is well known that loneliness has serious consequences for the health of the elderly, both physically and psychologically. One thing is certain: a family presence is crucial, sometimes even vital to the well-being of elderly people.

Today, technology offers solutions that are increasingly simple to use, easy to install and that guarantee data protection. On top of that, it allows care homes to take care of their residents, put a smile back on their faces and let them know that we are always thinking of them. Tech-Care!


Residential institutions for elderly people are particularly affected by the implementation of measures to deal with the current health crisis.
At this time, Telegrafik is supporting them and providing them with a health crisis management tool, 100% free of charge.

Confee is an application that relies on the traceability of comings and goings and interactions in the establishment, as well as the tracking of symptoms of staff, visitors, caretakers and residents. This solution is of particular interest in establishments with people who are highly exposed to the risk of contamination, such as nursing homes or the retirement homes.

Traceability: an essential element of risk control

Indeed, the application allows to have, in real time, a follow-up monitoring of residents as well as staff.

The history of encounters and contact makes it possible to understand the origin of the possible spread of a virus in the event that someone is infected, and therefore to act accordingly. The staff of the establishment are then immediately alerted, saving precious time in the implementation of adapted measures.

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Telegrafik is supporting you during Covid-19


Telegrafik is committed to supporting its partners and customers in these difficult times. After noting their more specific needs in these complicated times, Telegrafik chose to put some of its solutions that could be useful to both professionals and families at the forefront, and to offer them price discounts.



A health crisis management application, totally free*

It allows the health of residents to be protected and health risks to be controlled by reinforcing the traceability of the virus within establishments that accommodate the elderly.

A photo and video sharing application, totally free*

This tool allows residents to overcome the lack of connection with their loved ones, especially in this period of lockdown, through virtual exchanges with their families and much more.

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