With Otono-me, it has never been easier
to remotely monitor a loved one

How does Otono-me work?

Are you caring for an elderly or vulnerable family member?

Thanks to Otono-me, you can watch over your loved one wherever you are.

Discreet sensors are installed in the person’s home. The person is neither filmed nor listened in on and personal privacy is preserved.
The service is installed in any type of housing without requiring an internet connection or telephone subscription.

Otono-me watches over your loved one and reacts whenever they are in danger. An alert is sent automatically.
The emergency centre option allows you to rely on professionals being available to your loved one 24/7.

Finally, Otono-me app lets familly check at a glance that all is well with your loved one.

For whom?

  • Elderly or disabled people living alone at home,
  • People with Alzheimer’s disease,
  • Families.

Otono-me automatically detects
when an abnormal situation occurs

Colette has spent too long
in her bathroom. 

Maybe there’s a problem.


John, at the emergency centre,
is informed immediatelly.
He contacts your relative.

If John gets no response,
he contacts the family
and/or the neighbours. 

Somebody nearby
makes a visit. 


The person is neither filmed
nor listened in on
and personal privacy is preserved.

An alert is automatically sent
in case of a problem.

Service installed without
requiring an internet connection
or telephone subscription.

Impressive user-friendliness

The Otono-me app (available on the web, Android and iOS) allows families to check in real time if everything is OK, giving them peace of mind.

Relatives/caregivers also have access to more accurate analyses on:

– the elderly person’s activity in their home during the week, month and year,

– their activity in their eating area (time spent in the kitchen),

– their activity in their sleeping area (time spent in the bedroom),

– the number of outings as well as the length of time spent out of the home.

Simple, practical and customisable, it allows you to check that everything is ok.

Which solution for our family?

Otono-me Five


Kindly vigilance
+ Automatic detection of risk situations

Otono-me Five+


+ Kindly vigilance
+ Automatic detection of risk situations
+ 24/7 professionnal support

  5 sensors

    App for relatives

    Alerts by SMS in the event of risk situation

  5 sensors

   Remote care basis

   1 trigger

    App for relatives

  Alerts sent to an emergency centre in the event of a risk situation
