ICOPE by Telegrafik now available for everyone

The ICOPE (Integrated Care for Older People) tool was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to improve the monitoring and management of the health of the elderly. Designed to detect and prevent loss of autonomy in seniors, ICOPE offers a structured framework for assessment, monitoring and intervention. 

Now, Telegrafik has been offering the ICOPE tool to all its partners. It is now immediately accessible from the extranet homepage for a quick and simplified follow-up of all your questionnaires.

Objectives of the ICOPE tool

The main objective of ICOPE is to prevent functional loss in the elderly by early detection of signs of fragility.

By offering tools for regular and personalized monitoring, ICOPE aims to promote healthy aging, allowing seniors to stay independent and active longer by continuing to do what they love. Finally, the ICOPE tool improves the quality of care. Indeed, it facilitates an integrated and coordinated approach to care, involving different health professionals for better management of the elderly.

ICOPE allows the assessment of intrinsic capacities :

  • Mobility
  • Memory
  • The view
  • The audition
  • Nutritional status
  • And the mood

A simple and intuitive user experience

The ICOPE by Telegrafik tool is intended to be accessible to anyone with a loss of autonomy. It offers a simple and intuitive user experience.

Through its double authentication, it ensures maximum security for the protection of each patient’s data.

ICOPE by Telegrafik can be used for self-assessment on any device – smartphone, computer, tablet – or hetero-assessment with a professional or family caregiver. In addition, the tool offers a relaunch system to allow the patient to repeat his assessment at regular intervals.


Once the evaluation questionnaire has been completed, the results are automatically displayed on the screen of the recipient who has just passed the test. It is also possible to download them in PDF format.


The alert manager path

When a patient carries out an assessment, the health professional receives the questionnaire on alert. He can then contact the patient/senior again to consider possible follow-up.

The healthcare professional receives all the results of the assessments to be processed, and manages his territory via the secure professional portal. From this portal, he has access to the information of all his patients, questionnaires made by each and a history of all alerts.

It can easily process alerts and change the status of an alert once it has been processed.


Via the tool, the results are downloadable in PDF and an analysis module provides a quick overview of all the assessments of the same patient.


“It’s a wonderful tool,” says Carole Zisa-Garat. “The health professional has his dashboard with all the alerts in front of him. It is now accessible from the extranet for all health professionals who do not need to reconnect in each application, they are automatically recognized. The time and energy savings are second to none.” 


With ICOPE by Telegrafik


The WHO ICOPE tool represents a major step forward in the monitoring and management of the health of the elderly. By offering regular assessments, personalized interventions, and improved coordination of care, ICOPE by Telegrafik helps prevent functional loss and promote healthier aging. 

By now offering it to all its partners and making it integrated into its customers’ applications, Telegrafik makes it possible to offer more effective monitoring and support, thus improving the quality of life of the elderly and reducing health costs.

200 sites equipped with Telegrafik technological solutions, what does this concretely bring to care and support professionals?

Just over a year ago, we were pleased to reach the symbolic figure of 100 sites equipped with Telegrafik solutions. Today, the number has doubled. In concrete terms, this means around 1,000 falls detected each month, 80,000 alerts sent each year, and nearly 500 professionals who log in to the Telegrafik extranet every day.


Thanks to connected solutions, it is now possible to offer home care to beneficiaries with reduced autonomy who would otherwise have to be institutionalized. With connected solutions, EHPAD staff are instantly informed of any falls or abnormal activity without intruding on residents’ privacy.


These technologies do not replace human care, but instead enable higher quality care with less stress and more compassion. Compassion is the DNA of the Telegrafik team, serving beneficiaries and their caregivers. So today, we are very proud of this figure of 200 equipped sites.

Press release: HSTV and Telegrafik win the “Structures 3.0” call for projects for their project favoring digital innovation in the social and medico-social sector

Last June, HSTV and Telegrafik signed a partnership agreement to develop innovative solutions adapted to the needs of seniors in fragile situations. This is the result of an award-winning collaboration!

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To monitor the hydration of its residents.

“The OMERIS network is very much in favour of innovation when it brings real added value to the support of senior citizens. The innovation must also be of an interest to the teams: for example, reducing stress and fatigue and helping caregivers provide better support to seniors. We are very attentive to the innovations that arrive on the Silver Economy market. We carry out a lot of tests in pilot nursing homes and at home. The OMERIS Network has chosen to equip itself with the Auxivia connected glass because it has a real added value for the care of seniors in residence.”

The OMERIS Network equips its nursing homes with the Auxivia connected glass to monitor the hydration of its residents

The OMERIS Network (69) offers individualized accompaniment to the elderly and is committed to the search for well-being in France and Switzerland. This group, a player in the medico-social sector, accompanies the elderly in their life in Nursing and care homes, helps, advises and accompanies seniors at home.

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Feedback: Otono-me – The connected solution for watching over a family member remotely.

At Telegrafik, we are committed to bringing real added value to care for elderly and vulnerable people by guaranteeing safety for them and peace of mind for their families on a daily basis. In several French departments (mainland and overseas), we are deploying projects aimed at making our solutions available to senior citizens free of charge on a trial basis for several months, in order to make our services accessible to as many people as possible. It is against this background that Rosa M. chose to protect her mother-in-law with Otono-me and told us about her experience as a caregiver.


Rosa M. – daughter-in-law of Jacqueline D., protected by the service since April 2019, in the department of Aisne

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dispositif d’accompagnement renforcé à domicile - Personnes âgées heureuses


As the majority of French people age, they want to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. It would be ideal to be able to benefit at home from services equivalent to those offered in a nursing home. AÉSIOSanté and other FNMF (Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française) mutualist players are developing a reinforced home support system. At AESIO SANTÉ, this device is called DAPHNÉ. Its objective is to offer an alternative to the EHPAD by bringing security, comfort, well-being, care, accompaniment… to the homes of people wishing to remain at home. What exactly is it about? What is at stake? What role does technology play?



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Helping people with Alzheimer’s to stay at home

Maintenir à domicile les personnes souffrant d'alzheimerrEnabling people with Alzheimer’s disease to continue living in their own homes is a real challenge, particularly in the face of the issues that accompany this disease.

60% of people with Alzheimer’s live at home: for relatives, this is a major source of anxiety, hence the need for reassurance.
In the early stages of the disease, relatives are very involved, and their support helps to slow down the disease’s progression and optimises care.



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To keep our seniors healthy.

“[…] we are working on possibilities, this time in conjunction with digital technology, to keep our seniors in good health. Not only those who are dependent, but also those patients who are a bit fragile: being able to identify them at that moment. We need to be innovative with this large population, and as we have strong expertise in terms of both doctors and nurses, […] we also need to equip ourselves with tools and solutions such as those of Telegrafik, to optimize monitoring.

Agile, expert, with solid references.

“With Telegrafik, we became interested in the recording of lifestyle habits because the system was at maturity on the market, with an opposable offer and a structure that ensures maintenance and technicality that we were able to verify over time. […] Telegrafik seemed to us to be agile, expert, with solid references since they had also worked with IMA (InterMutuelle Assistance). They have technical and scientific profiles that we feel are perfectly suited to us and they have the ability to work with professional teams, which to date corresponds to our needs.

Artificial intelligence to detect the fragilities.

“[…] it is necessary to have a general approach to maintaining health in the home: this involves providing solutions with new technologies to ensure a certain number of constants and to anticipate, with the possibility of detecting weak signals, to alert us, as Telegrafik proposes with its Artificial Intelligence to detect fragilities.

So there is this important prevention aspect, and it’s true that the Ehpador Nursing Home is also a living place, it’s not necessarily because we enter the Ehpad that we stay there definitively […]

What arrangements can be made to enable elderly people to remain safely at home?

90% of elderly people want to grow old at home, and this is a major challenge, as homes are often no longer suitable for elderly people who are losing their independence.

Keeping older people at home is a key factor in well-being and ageing well. Being able to maintain one’s lifestyle is an advantage for preserving mental health in elderly people, as Dr. Homehr of the Toulouse Teaching Hospital testifies: “As an EHPAD coordinating doctor, this is something I know very well. This morning I was doing an entry for a 92-year-old gentleman, who lived alone in his home, 6th floor with lift, and he had a stroke. His children were not exactly close by; it was getting complicated. He found himself institutionalised because of course he was afraid of walking and afraid of falling, and as soon as he came in, he said to me: “You know, Doctor, I was so happy at home! I’ve been living in retirement for 25 years, I had my little habits, I was comfortable at home. But I understood, I have to… ” He decided, he said to himself “I have to”. He’s got all his wits about him, he used to be a weather engineer.”

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A new role for the EHPAD at home, the “Autonomy Advisor”

“In France, the EHPAD has been based on a very industrial model of organisation for the last forty or fifty years, and the human approach has been eroded over time. The aim is to put the individual back at the heart of the organisation, to break the industrial mould and organise the work to suit the person and not the other way round,” says Ladislas de Cours, whom we interviewed in his capacity as Director South, SGMR Les Opalines.
The home EHPAD is undergoing a major transformation, and the organisation and coordination of everyone involved must be embodied in structures. Through a call for projects, Ladislas de Cours is trying to create a new position in the home care sector, known as the Autonomy Advisor.

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It is an ethical company that makes an impact

“Telegrafik offers connected solutions for making the process of ageing comfortable, whether at home, in an old people’s home or in an EHPAD […]

Our job is to inform families or carers if something happens. It is an ethical company that makes an impact […] More globally, our shareholders are affected. This is what drives us every day.”

The challenges and key points of home care

Directeur des opérations - Les Opalines Sud
Directeur des opérations - Les Opalines Sud

The EHPAD is undergoing a major transformation, it must reinvent itself in order to be adapted to new diseases and guarantee better care”, explains Ladislas de Cours, Operations Director South at SGMR Les Opalines. In particular, in order to respond to the need for groups of EHPADs to set up more and more services geared towards care at home.

Why home care supported by an EHPAD resource?

To get a better understanding of the issues raised by these new approaches, we interviewed the Operations Director South of SGMR Les Opalines in Nîmes. Specialising in traditional EHPADs, its vision is one of rapid rediscovery of independence for elderly people and a return home after a stay in am EHPAD: Read more

83% of elderly people report that they feel more reassured.

“83% of elderly people report that they feel more reassured. The loved ones gain peace of mind on a daily basis. […]

Mentalities are changing, the younger old people of today will be the old people of tomorrow, and they are people used to all the new technologies and thus more likely to demand this type of solution”.

The device has allowed a 47.9% reduction in costs incurred

“The Otono-me EDAO & EHPAD solution is based on a video monitoring device installed in residents’ rooms. It is the only solution validated by a Hospital Clinical Research Programme: […]

The device has allowed a 15% reduction in the incidence of serious falls and a 47.9% reduction in costs incurred”.