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Seniors residences

Discover in this category every articles linked to connected services for senior residences, residence staff or residence director.

Why Telegrafik lets you focus on your job: supporting your elderly patients or residents

When we come to set up a smart solution in a residence for senior citizens or a nursing home, we often say to you: “Focus on your job, we’ll take care of the technical side of things”.


Because we are committed to offering you Telegrafik’s comprehensive service. An appointed representative, an involved team, and most importantly, fully functioning devices for fall detection or preventing loss of autonomy.
From installation to commissioning, we set up everything you need for a service of the highest quality. Then, day and night, we ensure your solution continues to work: you receive alerts when a resident is struggling or needs to be seen by a doctor, and your data is recorded and analysed. We provide you with customer service and ensure your solution receives regular maintenance. In addition, we update your installation if your needs change.

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Independence: detecting early signs of vulnerability makes it possible to take preventive measures and maintain an elderly person’s independence

In order to allow seniors to continue living at home independently, it is essential to be able to detect the early warning signs of vulnerability before a fall.

Once an elderly person has had a fall, it is then likely that they will no longer be able to live alone at home.


Detecting a change in a senior’s activity in advance

Detecting a deterioration in a senior’s activity is helpful not only for their relatives, but also for professionals such as the managers of seniors’ residences.

In this way, they are able to provide more support if needed.

The goals are multiple: to act before a fall, reduce the risk of falling and prevent isolation.

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