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ICOPE by Telegrafik now available for everyone

The ICOPE (Integrated Care for Older People) tool was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to improve the monitoring and management of the health of the elderly. Designed to detect and prevent loss of autonomy in seniors, ICOPE offers a structured framework for assessment, monitoring and intervention. 

Now, Telegrafik has been offering the ICOPE tool to all its partners. It is now immediately accessible from the extranet homepage for a quick and simplified follow-up of all your questionnaires.

Objectives of the ICOPE tool

The main objective of ICOPE is to prevent functional loss in the elderly by early detection of signs of fragility.

By offering tools for regular and personalized monitoring, ICOPE aims to promote healthy aging, allowing seniors to stay independent and active longer by continuing to do what they love. Finally, the ICOPE tool improves the quality of care. Indeed, it facilitates an integrated and coordinated approach to care, involving different health professionals for better management of the elderly.

ICOPE allows the assessment of intrinsic capacities :

  • Mobility
  • Memory
  • The view
  • The audition
  • Nutritional status
  • And the mood

A simple and intuitive user experience

The ICOPE by Telegrafik tool is intended to be accessible to anyone with a loss of autonomy. It offers a simple and intuitive user experience.

Through its double authentication, it ensures maximum security for the protection of each patient’s data.

ICOPE by Telegrafik can be used for self-assessment on any device – smartphone, computer, tablet – or hetero-assessment with a professional or family caregiver. In addition, the tool offers a relaunch system to allow the patient to repeat his assessment at regular intervals.


Once the evaluation questionnaire has been completed, the results are automatically displayed on the screen of the recipient who has just passed the test. It is also possible to download them in PDF format.


The alert manager path

When a patient carries out an assessment, the health professional receives the questionnaire on alert. He can then contact the patient/senior again to consider possible follow-up.

The healthcare professional receives all the results of the assessments to be processed, and manages his territory via the secure professional portal. From this portal, he has access to the information of all his patients, questionnaires made by each and a history of all alerts.

It can easily process alerts and change the status of an alert once it has been processed.


Via the tool, the results are downloadable in PDF and an analysis module provides a quick overview of all the assessments of the same patient.


“It’s a wonderful tool,” says Carole Zisa-Garat. “The health professional has his dashboard with all the alerts in front of him. It is now accessible from the extranet for all health professionals who do not need to reconnect in each application, they are automatically recognized. The time and energy savings are second to none.” 


With ICOPE by Telegrafik


The WHO ICOPE tool represents a major step forward in the monitoring and management of the health of the elderly. By offering regular assessments, personalized interventions, and improved coordination of care, ICOPE by Telegrafik helps prevent functional loss and promote healthier aging. 

By now offering it to all its partners and making it integrated into its customers’ applications, Telegrafik makes it possible to offer more effective monitoring and support, thus improving the quality of life of the elderly and reducing health costs.

200 sites equipped with Telegrafik technological solutions, what does this concretely bring to care and support professionals?

Just over a year ago, we were pleased to reach the symbolic figure of 100 sites equipped with Telegrafik solutions. Today, the number has doubled. In concrete terms, this means around 1,000 falls detected each month, 80,000 alerts sent each year, and nearly 500 professionals who log in to the Telegrafik extranet every day.


Thanks to connected solutions, it is now possible to offer home care to beneficiaries with reduced autonomy who would otherwise have to be institutionalized. With connected solutions, EHPAD staff are instantly informed of any falls or abnormal activity without intruding on residents’ privacy.


These technologies do not replace human care, but instead enable higher quality care with less stress and more compassion. Compassion is the DNA of the Telegrafik team, serving beneficiaries and their caregivers. So today, we are very proud of this figure of 200 equipped sites.

Press release: HSTV and Telegrafik win the “Structures 3.0” call for projects for their project favoring digital innovation in the social and medico-social sector

Last June, HSTV and Telegrafik signed a partnership agreement to develop innovative solutions adapted to the needs of seniors in fragile situations. This is the result of an award-winning collaboration!

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The OMERIS Network equips its nursing homes with the Auxivia connected glass to monitor the hydration of its residents

The OMERIS Network (69) offers individualized accompaniment to the elderly and is committed to the search for well-being in France and Switzerland. This group, a player in the medico-social sector, accompanies the elderly in their life in Nursing and care homes, helps, advises and accompanies seniors at home.

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Feedback: Otono-me – The connected solution for watching over a family member remotely.

At Telegrafik, we are committed to bringing real added value to care for elderly and vulnerable people by guaranteeing safety for them and peace of mind for their families on a daily basis. In several French departments (mainland and overseas), we are deploying projects aimed at making our solutions available to senior citizens free of charge on a trial basis for several months, in order to make our services accessible to as many people as possible. It is against this background that Rosa M. chose to protect her mother-in-law with Otono-me and told us about her experience as a caregiver.


Rosa M. – daughter-in-law of Jacqueline D., protected by the service since April 2019, in the department of Aisne

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Automatic temperature reading: a tool for EHPADs

When the national heatwave plan is activated, action must be taken to prevent and limit the effects of the heatwave on people’s health.

In residential establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD), in establishments accommodating elderly people (EHPA) (retirement home, residential home), and in long-term care units, the monitoring and alert plan is based on the implementation of a “blue plan”.

Residents accompanied by EHPAD staff must then adopt the good habits regularly broadcast by the Regional Health Agencies: drink about 1.5L of water per day, spend time in a cool place, eat a sufficient amount.

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Feedback: connected solutions for Ageing Well

“I’ve had 95% positive feedback for Otono-me. It’s a really good product: I can’t tell you what the downside is because I haven’t found it! I’ haven’ had any problems at all. Eric Mohamed – Technical Sales Representative at Echo Médical

Aidant seniors

In this interview, find out how Telegrafik’s connected solutions support elderly people on a day-to-day basis and ensure that they keep their independence by detecting risk situations.

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Feedback: Sunday Play App tested and approved by the Clerc de Molières nursing home.

New technologies in the “Ageing Well” sector are spreading and the market is continuing to grow. As professionals, it is essential for you to adapt or diversify your services in order to effectively meet the growing demand from your customers. That’s why at Telegrafik, we work with you on an ongoing basis to meet your expectations and ensure the quality and reliability of our services.


To take a closer look at this issue, we had the pleasure of talking to Arnaud Grimault, Director of Iris Assistance, a partner of Telegrafik specialising in personal protection. Read more

How can physical activity preserve pensioner’s independence ?

Regular physical activity does not guarantee that all the changes in your health due to ageing will disappear. On the other hand, it is essential to maintaining good health throughout life.  Doing sport regularly helps to limit and slow down the loss of physical capacities, even to the point of postponing the risk of a person becoming dependent in later life by 10 to 12 years.  Even if you start doing it later in life, it still ensures that you have a greater chance of growing old in good health and thus preserving your independence for as long as possible.

Une activité physique pour repousser la dépendance


Older people sometimes prefer to avoid sporting activities for fear of causing incidents that could aggravate their state of health, such as the risk of falling, or aggravate their state of fatigue. But as surprising as it may seem, it’s good to know that sport and age go hand in hand. However, it is strongly advised to choose a sporting activity that suits your physical condition and to practice it regularly.


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Feedback: Sunday Play App tested and approved by the Clerc de Molières nursing home.

Since the beginning of the health crisis, Telegrafik has been supporting healthcare institutions and making its solutions available to them, some of them free of charge. As a result, the Clerc de Molières nursing home in Tarascon has benefited from Sunday Play, an application that allows residents to stay connected with their families by receiving news via photos and videos.


After three weeks of use, the application was very popular with residents, but also with professionals, “…Today our residents and their families can’t do without it”, explains Clémence Battista, from the EHPAD’s activities department.

Sunday Play saves facility staff time, with a single tool for managing messages received from families, and allows them to be a daily comfort for the residents.

In this interview, discover the feedback on Sunday Play within the Clerc de Molières nursing home, delivered by Clémence Battista, an activities leader at the establishment.

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Daily life in care homes during the Covid-19 crisis

It has now been a few days since lockdown began to be eased but vigilance and caution remain the watchwords in establishments for the elderly. Measures taken at the very beginning of the crisis are now becoming increasingly flexible in order to take greater account of the welfare and social needs of residents.

A course of action adopted quickly


Even before receiving the official protocol from the Ministry of Solidarity and Health concerning the rules of conduct and safety to be adopted, the management of some retirement homes or nursing homes had already begun to implement effective protection measures. Since then, a new policy has been put in place in order to limit the risks as much as possible: controlling visits, compulsory wearing of masks, questionnaire to be filled in by families, checking symptoms in visitors such as taking their temperature, as well as distributing very precise instructions to staff.

Other establishments have taken additional measures : controlling entrances/exits, installing an infrared thermometer, reducing visiting hours and limiting them to one visitor at a time per resident. Care homes have taken the lead on a massive scale, acting quickly and applying relatively strict guidelines to limit possible contamination.

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Telegrafik is supporting you during Covid-19


Telegrafik is committed to supporting its partners and customers in these difficult times. After noting their more specific needs in these complicated times, Telegrafik chose to put some of its solutions that could be useful to both professionals and families at the forefront, and to offer them price discounts.



A health crisis management application, totally free*

It allows the health of residents to be protected and health risks to be controlled by reinforcing the traceability of the virus within establishments that accommodate the elderly.

A photo and video sharing application, totally free*

This tool allows residents to overcome the lack of connection with their loved ones, especially in this period of lockdown, through virtual exchanges with their families and much more.

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How can connected solutions help to support the elderly and vulnerable?

As we currently find ourselves in an epidemic, the top priority is lockdown! We are strongly advised to avoid all gatherings, limit travel and physical contact. But in these times of crisis, what happens to our loved ones, the elderly or the vulnerable, who are forced to stay at home or in their care homes, in total isolation, in order to protect themselves from possible contamination?

Although this state of quarantine seems absolutely essential in the current context, it fuels our concerns about our elderly and isolated relatives.

At a time when monitoring vulnerable people is of paramount importance, we must remember that technology never fails to surprise us.

Since 2013, Telegrafik has been developing Smart Care connected solutions to accompany the elderly and frail in their daily lives and support professionals working in the sector. These are innovative technologies designed to help people age well, whether at home, in senior residences or in nursing homes.

To date, more than 4,000 people have benefited from these connected telecare solutions which have been fitted in 25 nursing homes.

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Telegrafik becomes the exclusive distributor of KINE-SIM on the French market

Telegrafik and Kinesiq announce an exclusive agreement for the distribution of KINE-SIM on the French market by Telegrafik, an innovative balance and motor exercise device.

Telegrafik is a French company specialised in Smart Care, particularly known for its connected solutions for seniorsKINESIQ is a Canadian company specialising in innovative physical and neurological rehabilitation equipment.

Telegrafik distributeur francais Kinesiq Kine-SIMThe KINÉ-SIMKINESIQ‘s flagship product, will exclusively appear on the Telegrafik stand at the Salon AGE3 to be held in Paris, this Thursday, February 6th. Visitors will be able to test it there!

Already approved across the Atlantic: the KINE-SIM has notably been adopted by the leader in senior residences in the United States, and is now available on the French market thanks to Telegrafik.

Present on three continents,  KINE-SIM from KINESIQ is the best all-in-one exercise device for rehabilitation and maintenance of functional autonomy. It improves the quality of life and the physical condition of vulnerable people through a playful and therefore motivating approach . With its innovative technology, it is also the only device combining two motorised force plates that can move the user in synchronisation with a multitude of multimedia scenarios, working on balancemotorskillsorthopaedics and cognitive abilities all at the same time.

Do not hesitate to contact our team to discover KINE-SIM !

Design your IoT projects and get them up and running with Telegrafiklab

Telegrafik is the ideal partner to help you design your customised IoT projects and put them into practice. We support you at each stage of your projects with the help of Agile software development: DESIGN & THINK, TEST & LEARN and BUILD & RUN. The aim: Better respond to your customers’ needs in order to generate growth drivers and better profitability.

Here we have some feedback from a project with an insurance company, covering the first two phases: DESIGN & THINK and TEST & LEARN.

The idea: In practice, design and test a consumer solution designed to prevent loss of autonomy

Step 1 of the project consisted of defining the idea. To do this, we worked hand in hand with our partner’s teams. The aim: to have a precise vision of the needs of an insurance company and of the service expected by those it insures.

The chosen solution had to meet the following characteristics in particular, to be:

– accessible to the largest number of people, the general public, with high added value for carers
– attractive to a target audience of families with an elderly relative living alone at home
– able to alert carers automatically if there is a problem (e.g. falling, fainting) in their relative’s accommodation
– easily integrated into the care home
– a personalised smart-home system with a photo holder

We have chosen an idea that brings together safety monitoring, social bond and family communication:

Discreet sensors are installed in the elderly person’s accommodation. The carers can monitor the progression of the person’s daily activity through a smartphone application. They receive an alert in the event of a problem.

Plus, 1 to 3 photographs of the family sent by post every month.

Then the development was launched.
At the end of three months, the beta version solution was available.

This beta version included:

  • Android, iOS and web applications allowing carers to view what their relative is doing in their home and to send them photographs which are then printed and mailed.
  • a specific development with technology building blocks (bricks) enabling SMS alerts to be sent to the appropriate person at the right time in the event of a problem.
  • the physical design of a box containing the home automation part of the service and acting as a photo frame for the elderly person.

The solution was then implemented within families so that it could be tested in real conditions. For this step, families with an elderly relative living alone had to be recruited. We set up the service with elderly people and we ran it for four months.

At the end of this stage of the test, we sent out a qualitative satisfaction survey so as to have feedback on the service that was as precise as possible.

Feedback from families was very positive and the smartphone application was voted for by carers. In fact, 80% of carers used the application. They found this tool really useful and some used it daily to check that their relative’s activity was normal.

Testimonials: “It’s good to know if  she is at home, or if she has gone out for the day or longer...I can see how long she has spent in her room with just a quick glance”

Finally, more than half of carers were prepared to pay to continue using the service.


If you too have a IoT project and want to know more about what we can do, click here

Smart Home: sensor data integrated into the Telegrafik platform

smart home

The concept of the Smart Home will undergo major transformations over the coming years. Its revenue is expected to grow by 23.8% by 2020 (Source: Digital Market Outlook aggregated by Statista) and our everyday lives will change increasingly as a result. Our refrigerators, for example, will become intelligent. They will be able to tell us in real time what types of food are inside and place an order for us when we need to restock.


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Protect an elderly person living at home more effectively with enhanced remote assistance

To remain living in their own homes is a wish shared by 90% of elderly people in France. However, figures show that 81% of falls occur at home.
To protect themselves, vulnerable people are equipped with remote assistance call buttons. When they have a problem, they rely on this call button to be put in touch with an assistance platform and for help to come.
There are also non-wearable solutions, such as Otono-me Home, which complement the call button. These come in the form of sensors installed in the elderly person’s home, such as motion sensors and door sensors, to enhance protection of the individual.


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Otono-me innovative remote assistance: the solution for vulnerable or elderly people living at home

The French population is continuing to age. INSEE (the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) revealed that by 2050, one person in three will be over 60 [1]. The people who will reach the age of 60 by 2050 are all already born. Longer life expectancies will only continue to increase in the years to come.

The existing solution for providing safety for elderly people at home is remote assistance with a call button. It means that they will receive assistance if they suffer a fall or are taken ill, for example. Unfortunately, elderly people sometimes refuse to wear their call button or don’t activate it in the event of an accident.

Otono-me, the innovative remote assistance that finally offers a real answer for elderly people who are losing their independence

teleassistance innovante otono-me Read more


Hard, soft… there are so many qualifiers when it comes to talking about falls in the elderly depending on whether the person falls suddenly or slips against a wall or leans on a chair before falling.

Here are some figures that show the need to prevent these falls:

  •         They are the number one cause of death in elderly people
  •         20% require hospitalisation
  •         9% cause a fracture (mostly of the femur neck)
  •        40% of elderly people are referred to specialist institutions after a fall

These falls affect one in three seniors over the age of 65 each year.

fall-seniors Read more