Telegrafik was selected by the department of Aisne as part of the Funding Conference for a large-scale project to provide the Otono-me service to a pilot population. The Funding Conference is a measure resulting from Law No 2015-1776 of 28 December 2015 relating to adapting society for an ageing population.
Composition and functioning: players who work together to answer the problem of an ageing population
The Funding Conference’s main objective is to coordinate funding for the prevention of loss of autonomy in each French department around a common strategy.[1]
As its name suggests, it is made up of the main players involved in managing and funding the ageing population, including the departmental council, the regional health agency (ARS), pension funds (CARSAT / MSA / RSI), public health insurance (CPAM), the national housing agency (ANAH), AGIRRC / ARCCO (France’s main private-sector supplementary regime), and the Mutualité Française (French Mutual).
The members organise meetings in order to adopt the coordinated funding programme and the action plan envisaged for each year, with funding from the French national funding agency for the elderly and handicapped (CNSA).
Scope, including the new telecare devices
The programme defined by the Funding Conference covers:
- Improvement of access to equipment and individual technical aids, such as the OTONO-ME enhanced telecare service, which aims to enable elderly people to live safely at home more effectively than telecare that only uses a call button;
- Allocation of autonomy packages by the departmental council to care homes;
- Coordination and endorsement of preventative actions implemented by home care and support services (SAAD) and multifunction home care and support services (SPASAD);
- Support for family and friend carers;
- Development of other collective preventative actions.
The Funding Conference thus makes it possible to coordinate the main players, to sustain the actions intended to aid vulnerable people in the department and give them the benefits of the latest innovations in the field of home care.
Thanks to this funding, Telegrafik is already protecting elderly people in the department of Aisne, in connection with their carers, and aims in the coming weeks to offer its innovative connected services more broadly to more people.