Following a consultation on the care of dependent elderly people launched 6 months ago, a report was submitted on 28 March 2019. For the government, the objective of this report—prepared by Dominique Libault, President of the High Council for the Financing of Social Protection—is to put in place specific short- and long-term solutions with a view to adopting a Dependency Act by the end of the year.
This report, consisting of a synthesis of the lessons learned from the consultation, has resulted in 175 proposals being drawn up.
Below is our selection from the proposals selected by the government:
– Revaluation of home care services. This can be achieved by providing a tool that allows home help staff to effectively monitor the development over time of the activity of those they care for, thus giving meaning to their daily interventions;
– Increase of 25% in the EHPAD [Residential Care Facility for the Elderly] management rate by 2024, with the creation of 80,000 additional positions. But also the renovation of public retirement homes that have become dilapidated. The putting in place of solutions that facilitate the work of caregivers and make patients more secure, such as the solution Otono-me EDAO EHPAD, which could lower stress levels for caregivers;
– Acceleration of the implementation of the out-of-home EHPAD approach in order to facilitate the integration of patients between their homes and the EHPAD by making those offers and technologies available in EHPAD, also available directly at home. This approach seems to us to be essential, and in line with the wishes of the people affected, namely to remain at home.
– Indemnification of caregiver leave with mandatory negotiations in professional branches to facilitate its implementation in the company. It should be noted that tools exist to provide remote care for elderly people on a daily basis. The use of Telegrafik’s Otono-me aims to contribute to the well-being of carers.
– Kick-start of national mobilisation for the prevention of loss of autonomy. In fact, once in place, dependence is irreversible. Prevention has become an essential subject that should not be ignored. Early detection of fragility in an elderly person is an excellent way to treat the problem before a more serious situation occurs, such as a fall.
Now, what remains is to wait until the autumn to see these proposals adopted under the new dependency law.