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Telegrafik is supporting you during Covid-19


Telegrafik is committed to supporting its partners and customers in these difficult times. After noting their more specific needs in these complicated times, Telegrafik chose to put some of its solutions that could be useful to both professionals and families at the forefront, and to offer them price discounts.



A health crisis management application, totally free*

It allows the health of residents to be protected and health risks to be controlled by reinforcing the traceability of the virus within establishments that accommodate the elderly.

A photo and video sharing application, totally free*

This tool allows residents to overcome the lack of connection with their loved ones, especially in this period of lockdown, through virtual exchanges with their families and much more.

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How can connected solutions help to support the elderly and vulnerable?

As we currently find ourselves in an epidemic, the top priority is lockdown! We are strongly advised to avoid all gatherings, limit travel and physical contact. But in these times of crisis, what happens to our loved ones, the elderly or the vulnerable, who are forced to stay at home or in their care homes, in total isolation, in order to protect themselves from possible contamination?

Although this state of quarantine seems absolutely essential in the current context, it fuels our concerns about our elderly and isolated relatives.

At a time when monitoring vulnerable people is of paramount importance, we must remember that technology never fails to surprise us.

Since 2013, Telegrafik has been developing Smart Care connected solutions to accompany the elderly and frail in their daily lives and support professionals working in the sector. These are innovative technologies designed to help people age well, whether at home, in senior residences or in nursing homes.

To date, more than 4,000 people have benefited from these connected telecare solutions which have been fitted in 25 nursing homes.

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KINE-SIM, a balance and motor skills exercise device that incorporates entertainment technologies. It is primarily designed for rehabilitation and maintaining functional autonomy. The KINE-SIM is available to Suite Care and Rehabilitation services as well as senior residences in order to offer residents motivating exercises adapted to each person’s abilities.  

The primary objective of KINE-SIM is to improve the quality of life and the physical condition of frail or elderly people. For the past year, I’ve suffered from pain in my hip…I was always told there was nothing I could do, that it was just old age osteoarthritis […] I come regularly […] I think the exercises are good […] I’m really happy to see the machine here because it’s a plus for us, it gives us a better quality of life, it’s all there,” says Eugenie Bouchard, Resident at the Ambiance residence, Groupe Maurice, Montreal.

Entertaining and varied exercises

KINE-SIM uses simulation and virtual reality technology by incorporating a playful and interactive aspect. It is based on the simulation of real-life scenarios that users can customise according to their interests. “It helps me to stand upright […] to stand up straight, […] we can walk, we can ski […] it’s a good machine,” says Simon Descaries, a KINE-SIM user.

These scenarios are recreated by plates that faithfully reproduce the movements of each foot and are perfectly synchronised with multimedia content to ensure complete immersion. Read more